Greenbeard – Lödarödböl (2017) – Nowadays-sound but as if it had come from the 70's

Another American trio of Nostalgic-stoner rock that is having fun without having the work properly known. Lödarödböl is Greenbeard's third album and runs on a 40-year-old rock vibe. As tradition of the band there is only 6 music (the seventh track is just a teaser) packed to go in a beautiful cover.

The 70's sonority here is the rule applicable to all tracks. Essentially Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple in a blender; it doens´t even need  to be original (it is better to be faithful to original source). Swing opens with a faster ride (within the limits), making that seminal sound that Led created to originate heavy metal, as a bonus it has even a 90´s grunge tinge on Chance Parker's double vocals. In some moments the vocal becomes more spectral and the rhythm adopts a cadence that mixes doom with psychedelic, like in Lanesplitter and Wyrm. This last one reveals the musical virtues of the trio with its changes of time and the timbre of Chance Parker that remits to the a young Ozzy. In fact, if Black Sabbath talks about Sweet Leaf, Greenbeard about Battleweed. Despite 40 years of distance the two songs are close relatives, they follow the formula of the persistent hammering rhythm that from half to the end kicks in a hurry, but pulls the landing gear close to the end and touchs down serene. Deep Purple clout has not been forgotten and appears in the accelerated jolt and the dancing excitement of the Young Concussion.

You do not have to have lived in bell-bottom trousers years or seen heavy music born in shows assembled under heavy drugs to enjoy and understand the beauty of Greenbeard. All parents of the revolutionary heavy music were duly honored. It is not original, but it is much better than those who attempt the heresy of "modernizing" the untouchable.

1. Swing 04:30
2. Lanesplitter 08:15
3. Young Concussion 03:39
4. Battleweed 05:41
5. Love Has Passed By Me 03:33
6. Wyrm 10:06
7. Battleweed (teaser) 01:13

Last Conclusion:

Marcelo Hissa
