Release The Hounds - Release The Hounds (2018) - "Excellent"

"Release The Hounds" is the self-titled hardcore punk debut with 12 short tracks created to let your furious anger explode in the mosh pit. The sound is rushed with shouted vocals in the same diligent cadence. The riff over riff formula interspersed with some breakdown moments is ubiquitously present throughout album.The metal influence is perceived by the penetrating grooved passages as in Invincible, Shred Penner and the elaborate Your Highness. At certain times few songs flirts with post-hardcore melodies like in Below Me and 21. Other songs were made simply to be fast and exciting with the foot down on the accelerator like Skater Song, Call You Out and Fuck Cancer. 35 minutes later, with the sweat-soaked shirt The Rapture closes the album leaving a door open, an invitation to the listener to delve into the steamy work that these crazy Canadians can still produce.
Release The Hounds' musical temperature does not match the band's remote and icy hometown (search for Goulds on google map), which makes the album even more shocking. The premiere in the hardcore world can be paraphrased by Mr. Burns one last time: "Excellent."
1.Release the Hounds 01:59
2.Invincible 03:14
3.Skater Song 01:00
4.Below Me 03:34
5.Shred Penner 02:07
6.Weed On 04:05
7.21 03:02
8.Call You Out 01:36
9.Chi Pig 03:01
10.Fuck Cancer 02:35
11.Your Highness 04:42
12.The Rapture 03:38
Final conclusion
Marcelo Hissa
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