Mother – I (2020) – Belgian Post-doom-black-metal knockout
Anyone who knows a band called Amenra will not be surprised that one of the countries in the core of Europe can give birth to an extraordinary Post-doom-black-metal band called Mother. These Belgians make a disturbing sound that knockes out the listener from wherever he dares to press the play button.
7 songs named only with Roman numerals start cowardly convincing you that the journey is harmless psychedelic post-rock field trip. The swinging sound of the thick bass strings in track II is the last chance the unwary listener has to grab the arm of the chair. What comes next is a whirlwind of riffs heaped at a numbing rhythm. Desperate screams that unfold with cycles of maximum acceleration a la Balck Metal interspersed with Doom cadence and machiavellian passive vocals, the sound tension created is omnipresent. To highlight tracks is to isolate songs from the integral environment in which they were entrenched, but for the sake of this review I would highlight tracks II, III and V.
Mother is that kind of sound that when heard in the car stereo the wind shield vibrate in the eternal threat of shattering spontaneously. Hold tight or listen while lying on the floor to avoid the fall that comes after the knockout. If you can not hear on the maximum volume, don't even bother to listen at all.
1. I.I 04:26
2. I.II 09:03
3. I.III 08:37
4. I.IV 05:11
5. I.V 05:24
6. I.VI 07:35
7. I.VII 03:31
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