Volcana – Goddess of Flame (2017) - American metal under a doom shadow

After a little intro, The Unwelcome, noisier than musical the album takes off with the strong heavy cadence of Scolopendra (Come Forward). The rhythmus full of attitude is bented to the hard rock road by the clear vocals and the sticky choruses. Some songs develop the doom metal facet more openly, such as Drone, The Black Mist and especially We Stand, which mixes Black Sabbath's sinister mood with Alice in Chains double-guitar sound. The high points are the heavy metal true ride Glory or Doom and Witch Blade that evolves from the slowly doom beginning to an intense Thrash rhythm. Interestingly, one of the most vibrant tracks is exactly the instrumental Smoke and Terrors. Finally I salute the raw production that creates a more genuine musical environment and takes out part of the American hard rock eloquence.
The formula to the Volcana sound its built with an abundance of heavy intentions, tunned on American hard rock rhythm and added to glimpse of doom metal cadence. Paradoxically, if Volcano could resist the commercial pressure (with the rewards of being more original) they could free theirself from the bubble that enthralls all new bands to the underground.
1.The Unwelcome 01:04
2.Scolopendra (Come Forward) 05:01
3.Drone 05:23
4.Glory or Doom 04:24
5.Goddess of Flame 05:39
6.Merchant Lord 03:47
7.Smoke and Terrors 03:27
8.The Black Mist 05:12
9.We Stand 05:16
10.Witch Blade 04:13
11.Iniquitous Shores 02:10
Final Conclusion:
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